Interaction Cubes | 2011
Fabio Gouveia
Lucas Brazil Sousa
Diego Queres
Paula Barja
Priscila Freire
Rita Alcantara
Sílvio Bento
Ana Maria Palma
Catarina Chagas
Diego Vaz Bevilaqua
Marina Ramalho
Carolina Senra
Renan Alves
My contributions
Product Design
Technical solutions
Interaction Design
Mediation with providers
The International Year of Chemistry stimulated the museum to make an interactive exhibition on the subject. Although the resources were few, it was a good occasion to work with a discipline that is often mysterious and misunderstood by students. The goal of this particular module was to demystify the elements of the periodic table inciting curiosity on public school students (the museum´s main audience).

Built to incite curiosity and to change people’s concept of a periodic table, Interaction Cubes brings the elements to life.
Using images and videos of each element in experiments and in everyday products, the users can see the elements not only as they imagine them in classroom lectures, but connecting with them. The aim is to bring the elements closer to the user’s lives.
The main target users were teenagers in chemistry learning level, but the product reached visitors from 8-80 years old. Since the cubes present different information, each user has a unique experience, diving into the information that is most relevant and comprehensible to them.

Winner of 2 IXDA 2012 Interaction Awards
Best in the Engaging category and People's Choice Award.

For users who have never had contact with the subject, Interaction Cubes provides a playful and pleasant first contact with chemistry and the periodic table.

Part of a travelling exhibit, it is built with a modular aluminium structure, reaching visitors from several states.

Award ceremony during the Interaction 12 event.
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Internet of Things project for Electricité de France

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Elementary exhibit
Interactive chemistry exhibit | Museum of Life, Rio de Janeiro