Interactive model | 2012
Interactive model for OSX
for the 20112Rio Oil & Gas
Fernando Araújo
Rafael Barmak
Téo Benjamin
Luiz Torres Ludwig
Fernanda Petrus
My contributions
Industrial Design
Graphic and video Design
Video mapping

Acrylic model over a TV screen, animating the model and presenting the company's contents.
The shipyard represented was currently being built and the animated content represented what each part would look like and how all parts would work together once the project was completed.
Developed at OVNI Lab for OSX's stand at the Rio Oil & Gas 2012 event.
Holographic model | 2011
Interactive model for LLX
for the 2011 Rio Oil & Gas
Fernando Araújo
Rafael Barmak
Téo Benjamin
Diego Jovanholi
Josy Antunes
Fernanda Petrus
My contributions
Video Design
Video mapping

Development of the content that is projected holographically over the model of an FPSO-OSX1 platform.
The platform was in development at the time and the animated model demonstrated the stats and specific areas of the project.
Project developed at OVNI Lab for OSX's stand at the 2011 OTC fair.
Projection mapping concept | 2011
Interactive module concept for OGX
for the 2012 Rio Oil & Gas
Fernando Araújo
Rafael Barmak
Téo Benjamin
My contributions
Industrial Design
UX/UI Design
Concept video and renderings

Initial concept proposed for OGX which would have a mapped projection on top of a physical map that could be controlled by users to show the different projects that the company had around the world.
Synergies multi-touch table concept | 2011
Interactive module concept for OSX
for the 2012 Rio Oil & Gas
Fernando Araújo
Rafael Barmak
Téo Benjamin
My contributions
Industrial Design
UX/UI Design
Concept video and renderings

Initial concept proposed for OSX of a multi-touch table that showed the synergies between the products and materials of the company's different facilities.
Timeline concept | 2011
Interactive module concept for OGX
for the 2012 Rio Oil & Gas
Fernando Araújo
Rafael Barmak
Téo Benjamin
My contributions
UX/UI Design
Video Design

Initial concept proposed for OGX demonstrating the different capacities of the oil and gas wells that they have discovered and analyzed in the past years and the projection of potential future capacity.
Previous Project

Elementary exhibit
Interactive chemistry exhibit | Museum of Life, Rio de Janeiro

Next Project

3D spaces
Adaptation of a french-brazilian Mathematics exhibit for Rio's Astronomy Museum