Manuals for interactive products | 2012


Manuals for all their products

Modular layout structure for future products

My contributions



Graphic Design


We wanted to make sure that our products wouldn't become a problem for our clients in the future. In order to guarantee that the interactive modules created by the OVNI Lab company would provide a seamless experience, we created easy to follow manuals that guided their daily use and troubleshooted possible problems.

The manuals followed a basic structure that can be easily repeatable for future projects.

Pocket manuals

We always created two versions of the manual.

The first was a pocket version with just the basic daily procedures. These pocket manuals were to be printed in regular paper, folded and distributed to the guides, exhibit interpreters or whoever would be tending the exhibit on a daily basis. These also included instructions on how to turn everything on and off.

Full version manuals

If there were any problems that couldn't be solved by the floor staff, we also created a full manual with visual step-by-step guide of all possible procedures and troubleshooting solutions.

In case of major problems or anything that wasn't predicted by us, we would redirect the museums to get in touch with us.

Previous Project

Books & Illustrations

Editorial projects. Covers, illustrations and internal layout